‘Granny Skills’ has a mission; to safeguard ‘granny skills,’ by protecting heritage, culture, skills, knowledge and traditions of our elders – passing down what granny knows best.
Through my Granny Skills Program, I aim to bring communities of women from our multicultural Australia together to share skills and enjoy themselves while they are doing it. The ‘Granny Skills in Schools’ program (whilst still in trial phase) placed women into schools to teach cooking and crafts, not only enriching our youths lives, but also working on positive ageing in our elderly community.
The Granny Skills movement is not just a lovely idea, it is a necessary one. The work this program is doing around positive ageing and living an eco life is invaluable.Costa Georgiadis, Presenter ABC TV
From growing food to making soap, brewing stock to weaving a basket the Granny Skills team program preserving the skills most precious to us. I believe that if we do not learn and pass these basic things on, they will be lost for eternity. Getting old for some people is not a wonderful experience. Being stuck in nursing homes with nothing to pass the days is reality for some, so Granny Skills are ensuring that all of those still willing and able have places to go and people to share with. Together, the team from Granny Skills are planting kitchen gardens, making jam, knitting beanies, curing meat and pickling every cucumber in sight!
Currently the Granny Skills Movement is working on ways to launch the Granny & Grandpa Skills Clubs. We want to work with nursing homes to open the doors to the public once a week for the community to come and learn skills in the shed and the garden and well as things like knitting a cooking with the residents. This initiative is all a part of the Granny Skills Program which recently placed ‘Nana’s Into Schools’ to teach basic home economics such as cooking and crocheting in both Victoria and South Australia. The trial was a huge success and is now being worked on as a tool kit for aged care facilities and schools to combat mental health and positive ageing.